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Shaw 1.jpg

Andy Shaw

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Sue Gregory

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Maggie Bruno

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Jane Burns

The Orchard by Jane Burns

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Taylor 6.jpg

more from Teena & Malcolm Taylor

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Burns 9.JPG

and the height (!) of the river by Jane Burns

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Sue Cross


<<<  My attempt at cloud pruning!  Marion Woolnough

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Taylor 2.jpg
Taylor 4.jpg
Taylor 1.jpg
Taylor 3.jpg

Teena & Malcolm Taylor

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Keith & Heather Watts

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Watts 2.JPEG
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Jane Burns - Bridge Cottage garden in April

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Sue Gregory

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Ian & Julie Clarke


Just getting established now after being  built last year. The Rockery was built for us by David Thornber. Ruth Gill

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My garden at the Old Vicarage, one with a cock Pheasant thrown in.  Gill Haslop

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Haslop 3.JPG
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Jennifer Sedgwick, Selber Croft , Gallaber Farm

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Pictures of the leylandii coming down at the bottom of our garden. And the garden after the leylandii have come down. Plus my lockdown legacy which will be a chamomile lawn. Christine Wardle

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Marilyn & David 2.JPG
Marilyn & David 3.JPG
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Marilyn & David

and two more short videos for you, from the Christie family and Mike & Mairi Illsley

click the photos to PLAY or PAUSE

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