Village Organisations
There are a number of organisations in the village - new members are always welcome.
Lonsdale Archers is a family friendly club based at the Burton in Lonsdale Recreation Ground and also uses community indoor venues locally, including Caton Primary School Sports Centre. We are affiliated to Archery GB, the national governing body, and aside from regular club sessions (every Sunday afternoon and one weekday evening – details on application as these may change from season to season), we also organise taster day events, beginner courses and ‘have a go’ days throughout the year based on demand. We allow archers as young as age 7 to join! If interested, please also see our Twitter page @ArchersLonsdale and Facebook page.
Contact details: Club Secretary: Mark Christie markchristie101@outlook.com.
Responsible for the Village website and production of the Burtonian Village Newsletter. Contributors are always welcome.
Please email burtonnews@gmail.com
Burton-in-Lonsdale Bowling Club has now a new Club House and welcomes both members and visitors. 2021 membership fees are £22.00 and visitors pay £1. Club afternoon are Wednesday and Friday. The Club play friendly matches on some Saturday afternoons both home and away games, and members also play in two Crown Green Bowling Leagues. The Club welcomes new members of all ages.
Contacts John Mason Tel: 015242 61919 OR Jane Burns Tel: 015242 61081.
Come along on practice night on Tuesdays @ 7.30. Beginners welcome.
For further information contact John Keen 62792 or Dave Hodgson 61269
The group meets every 6 weeks to discuss a chosen book. Contact: Jill Peel 61486
Sunday services and Coffee morning every Friday 10.30-11.30
Burton First Responders are local volunteers who have been trained to attend certain emergency 999 calls with the aim of providing emergency first aid, until an ambulance arrives. We are always looking for volunteers to join our group. Contact: John Wood 61646
The groups aim is to be responsible e for collation and recording of Burton in Lonsdale’s history and heritage relating to the buildings, people and activities of Burton in Lonsdale including; Recording oral histories of residents; Developing heritage trails; Digitization of material and to promote the heritage of the village through the organisation of events, talks etc
We meet bi-monthly on the first Wednesday of a month at 7.30pm in the Punch Bowl.
Lonsdale Wheelers offer both recreational and more serious minded training rides throughout the year, with two dedicated groups. We also encourage electric bike owners too! Membership costs just £15 pa and we are an official club recognised and affiliated to British Cycling. Rides typically start from Burton in Lonsdale Sports pavilion, but we also do car assisted rides in the local area which start at various points.
Further details – Club Secretary: Ian Clarke clarkeian@me.com
Meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at 8pm in hte Punch Bowl the aim of the Pals with Trowels is to enhance the open spaces in the village for the enjoyment of all. Our latest project is developing a community orchard.
With over 25,000 members and 644 clubs, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) is one of the largest rural youth organisations in the UK. Led by young people, for young people, Young Farmers' Clubs provide anyone aged 10 to 26 with a fantastic chance to meet lifelong friends, learn new skills, make a real difference to the local community. Contact: Ian Sedgwick
The WI is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK. The WI will celebrate its centenary in 2015 and currently has 212,000 members in around 6,600 WIs. The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. Details of Burton WI programme can be found here: We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month in the Village Hall